Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'mm off ~ Michals' s story about Minmia's book

A busy day tomorrow in Adelaide followed by a journey to Alice Springs and then to Uluru with Minmia - a good journey and then to Japan until beginning of august ... I am alreay missing Izumo - my grandson who reminds me of the wonder found in the world around me ... like ants and how amamzing they are! ~ So need to pack but wanted to post Michal's story about Minmia's book!

Michal's insights
It was 11 years from the time I met Mimia, on the top of Mount Abu, Rajastan, India, to holding the first copy of 'Under the Quandong Tree' in my hand. It had been my heart's wish for those eleven years to protect the precious lineage of women's business teachings that Minmia holds for her Wirradgeri people so that our grandchildren and great grandchildren could hear them too. A book seemed to be the best way to do this. What a journey but not a lonely one. So many women have helped this wish to bear fruit. I think we are at the beginning of the next wave of understanding the indigenous story of this ancient continent Australia and to me it is the heart of the story - the spiritual teachings. So much sacrifice has been made by so many women over hundreds and thousands of years to make it possible to have this book today. I suggest you read it.