Friday, September 11, 2009

some love from Australia - part 2

I started talking about this journey I have been on in my last blog ... and here are some more of the photos I promised.

Tomorrow I am off again to join up with the merry crew. I have been in telephone contact and I hear the journey continues to be difficult at times and then fabulous. So there are tears and then laughter - but that is real life - it is all and everything!
On my return will post new stories and new photos. But I hope the photos below give you an idea at least ...

Arriving in the afternoon at a reserve - our home for the night - lots of trees so enough wood for a fabulous campfire!

some days have jsut been too hard with intense 90km wind gusts. So when it gets too hard Tigga comes off the wagon and we tow the vardo to the next camp site

we camped at a run down abandoned house - no ghosts!
early morning scenes

Lunchtime stop on long dirt roads we travel down. Our main companions are birds with the occasional rabbit or fox poking their heads out and wondering what is happening as Tigga clomps by. Some cars pass slowly and wave while others rush by. But Tigga the gentle giant takes it in his stride

I prefer walking up hills but then I have to jump back on the moving vardo
Getting up and off the vardo is something that I am slowly mastering - - not bad for a 52year old!

These photos were taken at a small country town called Eudanda. We passed by the elementary and secondary schools & had teachers come and ask us to talk to their pupils - which we did and by the end we had talked to nearly every class - the photos are of the first graders - very cute and lots of questions

and because they did such a good job we gave them carrots to treat Tigga with.

オーストラリアから愛をこめて    その2

登り坂を歩くのは好きだけど、移動しているワゴンに飛び乗らなければならないの。ワゴンに飛び乗ったり、降りたり・・・ なんとなく少しずつ上手になっている。52才にしては悪くないよね。

Sunday, September 6, 2009

And Now some love from Australia ...

How to cure my heart - as I wrote in my last blog - it happens from time to time - my heart breaks with what is happening in the world both close and far!
So to cure myself I have been off on a voyage of discovery - even though I don't think I will get to Alice Springs!

We are walking as far as we can get in the next couple of months - down country roads to the heart of this wonderful land. I will only be able to travel from time to time but I truly am grateful.

So I am travelling in Red Catherine's vardo - a gypsy wagon,

Pulled by Tigga the marvellous hero of a horse.

Red Catherine who has initiated this journey is a Romani (gypsy) woman.
She is a tiny and 60 years old. She also has many physical problems. But she dreamed of going on the Drom - on a journey. She brings a strong voice to end animal cruelty and exploitation to a more co-operative way of how we use our animals. We disregard the fact they are living beings and see them as just pork or beef etc. It is a blessing that we can if we wish eat meat and feed our animals etc. but to approach our responsibilities ethically is the challenge for humanity.

So we have been dreaming up this journey for a long time

And me ~ I believe in co-operation not exploitation for all creatures and for the earth ...

So on august 26th we left - all in place and ready to go

My first day on the road - 26th August

And our 2 travelling companions - Jango & Tahini - the wooden bars keeps them from jumping off the vardo
So the first day and it was indeed a huge change in my daily life.
I stayed on the road for a week coming back to Adelaide on 2nd September.
It was the worst weather - strong gale winds from the Antarctica bringing every type of weather imaginable.
... anyway in the next blog I will put up some more photoes of the first week!










その間の天気は最悪… 南極から吹きつける凄まじい強風。
