Since I last wrote I have become a grandmother for a second time. Her name is En and she is my Dragon Princess. Now 5 months old and I have fallen in love madly!
At the end of last year I returned from my 3 months in Japan and I found myself spiralling into sadness - a depth that left me feeling flat and despondent ...
I had returned to mass media - something that I can easily ignore while living in Japan ~ and returned to the horrors of yet another war.
The cruelty of the human race to each other! How much sadness!
The number of women and chlidren dying in bombs and the horror will never be known
... the after effects are felt for too long!!
During this time Izumo, my little grandson, my hero of 4, often visiting me, would come into my house, grab my hand, while pulling me outside to play ... would look me in the eyes and with a big smile say "Today is a good day ... isn't it!!!"
Since he provided me a place where unconditional love flowed, I once more set upon the journey to find optimism! When reaching the joy of what I believe life can be, he ceased his "it's a good day isn't it - and I started to miss it.
So one day I turned around to him and said "Hey Izumo! Today's a good day isn't it" - he cocked his head to the side and looked at me as though "of course it is - we know that!"
I haven't tried to forget the cluster bombs being dropped or the blood soaked corpses of children ... or the lame excuses ...
I have instead tried to find a place for them in my heart. I do this to nurture hope and compassion - what else can I do with my anger ... but to transform them into something worthwhile ....
As the innocence of a 4 year old reminded me to see the world in all its possibilities ~ for life is a blessing ~ it should be and it can be ~
"Today is a good day ... isn't it!"
訳)‘09 4.28(火)
そんな中、もう一人の孫、私のヒーロー出雲(いずも)は、私の所に遊びに来ては家に入ってきて私の手をひっぱり外へ遊びに連れ出そうとする。そして私を見て、にっこり笑いながら“きょうはいい日だね、ねえ!”って言うの。彼のそんな無条件の愛に、私はこれからももっと楽観を見つける旅をしたいって思ったの。でも彼はある日突然“今日はいい日だね”を言わなくなっていて、私はそれを淋しく思い始めた。だから今度は私から彼に“ねぇ出雲今日はいい日だね!”って言ったの。そしたら彼は頭を横に傾けて、 “当たり前じゃん。そんなの分かっているよね。”とでも言うように私を見た。とってもかわいい孫の出雲は私にとって大切なことを教えてくれる大先輩だ。
私は一体何が出来るの… ただ、それらを何か価値のあることへ変えていくしかない。
“今日はいい日だね。 ねえ。”