Saturday, July 14, 2007


Daphne entered Red Catherine’s life a tiny lamb ~ a delivery of sheep to a new pasture went wrong and Catherine ended up with dying lambs ~ anyway this little soul survived and you can see how well! Catherine bottle fed her with Romi and Tipi’s milk – they are Catherine’s goats! And so she has become a fat & gorgeous sheep and promises to have wonderful wool – she answers to her name and comes trotting over like a little doggy! Well Catherine (even though she misses her!) has found her a wonderful new home! She has a
great paddock to live in with lots of grass and trees and yes, the company of another sheep - so have a good life Daphne – Good-bye!

Life is about love

The story doesn’t end here – 1 animal goes and then she gets another phone call
“We need your help! ~ can you rescue a ???”
– Now can you guess what animal she has just rescued is?

1 comment:

World Wide Alternative said...

That gum tree is amazing! I'm so home sick...