Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Kappore Time!!!! Wow what a great time to be in Japan, especially Shimizu. Summer time in Japan has basically festival after festival of all shapes and sizes. Perhaps it's the best way to take your mind of the fact that it's soooo b****y hot and humid.
Shimizu's Port Festival is a 3-day festival on the first weekend of August, with the Kappore dance event held on the Friday and Saturday nights. OEK traditionally has a team that participates on one of those nights.
This year we had over 90 students and family members in our team, plus many other people came and cheered us on.
Way to go everyone who came and especially those who stayed until the end. Anyone who has tried will agree that three solid hours of dancing in the Japanese Summer evening heat is no mean feat. For those students who would like to join next year keep you eye out for posters about it at the school (usually just after Golden Week) and get in quick.

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