Wednesday, August 8, 2007


In July OEK had to farewell 2 young remarkable women – Misato our assistant manager and Geneveive, our wonderful ESL teacher

Their wonderful work and their presence at OEK touched many and this is indeed is a precious thing ~ All the staff and many students really enjoyed working with them.

For me the gift has been seeing these 2 young women transform more into their potential. They took on responsibility and really tried to do their best and thus make OEK the unique ESL centre that it is.

I believe they opened their arms and hearts to many at OEK and hopefully good memories are the jewels that will remain with all of us as we continue to journey into our lives!!!

I wrote this to Genevieve and I also want o share the same message with Misato ~~~
“I see within you ‘happiness’ and when it is not apart of your journeying, it will always be just around the corner. I believe that good things will indeed continue for you ~ I have no idea what your future holds for you or what dreams are being created but may they take you into your knowledge and your wisdom. Whether it is going back to studies or finding a job ~ may it feed your essence.”

So thank you for challenging yourselves in becoming members of the OEK staff and all the complexities of the work that you undertook wholeheartedly!!!

1 comment:

World Wide Alternative said...

Lovely post Jayne, it made me all teary...